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編輯簡史A Succinct History of Its Compilation
《婦女雜誌》在1915年由上海商務印書館創刊,是一份面向女性發行的綜合性大型雜誌。至1932年1月28日商務印書館被日軍炸燬而停刊,前後長達17年(1915年1月第1卷第1期至1931年12月第17卷第12期)。其發行地區包括國內各大城市及海外的新加坡等地。在近代中國,無論發行時間、發行區域、發行量,或是讀者群,社會影響,都是其他面向女性的刊物難以比擬的。《婦女雜誌》的刊行期間,歷經五四醞釀、高潮、退潮期,以及國民革命期等重要歷史時期,因此《婦女雜誌》不僅為婦女研究,也為中國近代史研究提供了具體而微的史料。 The Ladies' Journal was founded in 1915 by the Shanghai Commercial Press. It was a women's issue-oriented comprehensive, large-scale magazine. On January 28th, 1932 the Shanghai Commercial Press was blown up and destroyed by the Japanese Army and ceased publication. In all, the journal was published for seventeen years (January 1915 first issue no. 1 to December 1931, seventeenth issue, no. 12). The publication distribution extended from China's large cities to overseas places like Singapore. In modern China, in terms of its time of publication, distribution, circulation, readership, and social impact there was no other comparable journal on women's issues. The period of publication for the Ladies' Journal witnessed the ferment of the May Fourth Movement, its climax and its waning, as well as the Nationalist Revolutionary Period and other major historical periods. Consequently, the Ladies' Journal is not only of interest for the study of women, but further serves as one small yet broad resource for the study of modern Chinese history.
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