開放使用:Open Access: 本系統開放線上書目免費檢索,不需申請帳號。 如需閱覽全文,請洽圖書館預約並到館閱覽。 The system is open for free online bibliographic searches, and readers no need to apply for an account. To view the full text, please contact the librarian to make an appointment and visit the library.
郭廷以圖書館基於數位典藏與研究利用,自2005年起推動館藏數位化;多年來,陸續建置報刊資料系統、圖書數典網站、專題目錄等。 2021年,為整合各類館藏數位資源,規劃建置新版數位典藏系統,內容為本館歷年已數位化之詮釋資料與全文影像檔,包含:方程報紙、剪報、公報、期刊、圖書、檔案文獻等資料類型。藉由本系統,可一次查詢原本分散在不同資料庫的數典內容,更便捷地查檢本館所藏各類數典資料。 Since 2005, Kuo Ting-yee Library has been promoting the digitization of its collections based on digital collections and research utilization. Over the years, the library has built a newspaper and periodical information system, a digital library website, and a special catalog. In 2021, in order to integrate all kinds of digital resources in the collection, the library established a new version of the digital collection system, the contents of which are metadata and images, which includ: newspapers, bulletin, periodicals, books, archival documents, and other data types. By using this system, users can search the contents of the databases that were originally scattered in different databases at once, and more conveniently search the various databases in the Library's collection.
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