Friday, 15 September
Yesterday, the American army landed at Morotai Island to the extreme North of the Halmahera archipelago. It is only 400km from the Philippines. Within three days the American fleet air force sank more than 170 Japanese convoys and destroyed over 500 Japanese airplanes. This is good news as well.
I received a telegram from Minister Song yesterday, saying that the Government would send him as Minister of Foreign Ministry to represent Chairman Chiang to visit the Chair of the Soviet Government, and meet with Marshal Stalin and Foreign Minister Molotov. He asked me to contact the Soviet Government. At 4.00 in the afternoon I went with Shaozhou to the Soviet Foreign Office to meet Vice-Foreign Minister Lozovski and informed him about the telegram from Minister Song. I asked him to pass on the message and reply to us as soon as possible. He promised he would do this immediately.
At 5.00 in the afternoon the Luxembourg Minister, Blum, gave a tea party at the National Hotel to celebrate the liberation of Luxembourg.