Friday, 26 January
In the morning Chengyong and his wife moved out to live in Paris. He and Wang Xuexeng (王學曾) spent US$850 in total to take the apartment where Huang Zupei (黃祖培) had formerly lived. Address: 14 rue Denis Poisson, (4eme etage) Paris 17eme. Tel: Galvani 47-89. The apartment has four rooms in total, and two of them will have two rooms each. Wang Xuezeng will leave France and return home after he gets his doctorate degree from Paris University between this summer and autumn. At the time, Chengyong only needs to spend some 400 dollars and then he will take the apartment. The monthly rent is only some two thousand francs. It was heard that the landlord intends to sell that apartment, and the price would only be some US$1,000. (Because it is subject to the existing tenancy) So in the future, Chengyong could spend around US$2,500 and then he could buy the whole apartment. If he rented out a portion of the apartment he could make around twenty thousand francs. If he sold it, it would be worth five or six thousand US dollars. This is a very good deal and I could not stop him from doing so certainly. But from now on I need to be more economical.
I learnt French and Spanish on my own.