Friday, 29 January

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Friday, 29 January

Twenty-fourth day of the twelth lunar month

At 2.00 in the afternoon various cultural bodies gave a tea party in the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association to see me off. President Yu was the Chair. Ambassador Panyushkin and Cho So-ang (趙素昂)[1] were present. They gave speeches and I replied.

In the evening, after attending Zhu Xuefan (朱學範)’s dinner, I went to Baojie street to bid farewell to Qiongfang and Jinpei (Fu Jinpei, 傅錦培)[2]. They also entirely understood my situation, and were willing to look after my mother in Guangzhou Bay. Qiongfang knew it was a mistake that she had departed for Chongqing leaving my mother behind and Jinpei was eager to meet up with her grandmother. I was really pleased.

[1] A Korean politician and diplomat.

[2] Fu Bingchang’s daughter.