Friday, 30 December

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Friday, 30 December


Bulganin reported in a meeting for party representatives that the Soviet Union already had Intercontinental Long-range ballistic missiles. This probably means 12,000 on P.H. missile with a range of five thousand or more miles.


The Alsop brothers wrote about the new-type armaments and said:

1) An atomic bomb as small as a grapefruit could be used in a baby rocket installed in a jeep. Its destructive power is tantamount to two hundred times of the blockbuster cannon in the Second World War.

2) Space-link “track” and “terradynamic vehicle” has progressed in an exceptional speediness. “Groundhog” could enter any rugged areas. The speed of delivery of troops by M5G troop carriers could be seen completely in the final stage of the Korean War.

3) Automation artillery burnable case ammunition could release one bomb every second. In the past, it required thirteen people to manage one cannon, now only three were needed.

4) Gas turbines have been invented to run tank machines. It has increased their power for long-distance by many times.

5) A major breakthrough in electronics has made long-distance travel steady and easy. Therefore, the modern tactic is to diffuse the troops but with coordination. So the Soviet Union had divided its troops into six brigades, and they could fight independently. Nineteen out of twenty divisions in Europe, and seventy-five out of one hundred and seventy-five in the Soviet Union proper, had been completely or partially atomized. As for the American side, it is still in the state of mere discussion, and only two or three in the nineteen divisions have started to atomize. Their transportation is particularly backward. The main reason is that the United States wants to save money because atomizing twelve divisions would cost USD300 million. This is worth paying attention to.