Friday, 7 April

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Friday, 7 April


Dr. Lang of the American Embassy invited me to dinner. The Canadian Minister Wilgress talked about the Japanese-Soviet agreement, and it is the first time he has been pessimistic towards Soviet cooperation with Britain and the United States. He also told me that in the delegation that the Soviet Union dispatched to the United States to discuss post-war economic cooperation, among the representatives there was a Lieutenant General who suddenly made a declaration in American newspapers attacking the Soviet Union. He said after he arrived in the United States he found people there lived with freedom, he could not go back to the Soviet Union to suffer the pain of having no freedom.


The British newspapers have published that the Soviet side asked the United States to reach an agreement to continue the Lend-Lease act after the war for three years, which will be helpful for its post-war construction. The American side added the term that the Soviet Union should express its willingness to fight Japan after the Soviet Union defeated Germany but it delayed in answering this request. It seems to be possible.