Friday, 7 July

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Friday, 7 July

Fine, sun


Today was the War of Resistance’s 7th anniversary. We held a ceremony at the main hall in the Embassy at 11.00 a.m. I made a speech first, then recounted the main ideas of the letter to friendly nations from Chairman Chiang yesterday (The main content was that China will fight the war until the end.), and his letter to the people (The main content was that the enemy used its utmost strength to invade China. It was expected. Japan attempted many times but it was lucky that it did it now.), and I encouraged people in the Embassy to work harder (for the country). Counsellor Liu and Military Attaché Guo also made speeches.


Krasnaya Zvezda published a quite long editorial, recounting the history of our resistance and the various failures of the Japanese. The tone was very friendly to us  but in the conclusion it mentioned our recent failure, saying that we did not fully utilise our manpower and resources, and a portion of troops stationed in the border areas did not participate in resisting the Japanese, but the resistance spirit of the Chinese is still fine and Japan can do nothing.


The British broadcast said our army has broken through the encirclement to link up with our supporting troops.


It also said that the American heavy bomber group in China went to bombard the biggest military port in Japan, Sasebo and the steel area Yawata today. The group returned safely. This is good news.