Saturday, 14 January

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Saturday, 14 January

Second day of the twelfth lunar month, Yiwei year

Fine, mild


I wrote to reply F.T. Cheng, Jincheng and Jinpei.


David Lawrence published an article in the New York Herald Tribune. He is opposed to the Chinese communists joining the United Nations. He said if only Britain, France and others forced the United States not to exercise its veto power in the General Assembly, allowing the CCP to join the United Nations. If this is the case, American public opinion would tend toward isolation. It is because he thinks that as the alliances of the United States betrayed their moral principles, it is meaningless for the United States to send troops to Eurasia this time, and the United States would definitely think that the United Nations is hopeless. Therefore, the various states of West Europe should re-consider it. This is really worth to paying attention to.


Zheng Zhenzhong (鄭振中) was absent again with the excuse that his wife is ill. Therefore, I had to agree with what Zhongxiong had advocated; we have to dismiss him and employ another second chef.

In the evening, I worked on the building of the door for my bookshelf in the cellar.


Yesterday I bought A Thousand Years of Russian History by Sonia E. Howe in a second-hand bookstore. It is quite good and I read it until late last night.