Saturday, 16 June
In the morning Eddie Rocha came with Mr. Zheng, the Far East General Manager of U.S. Rubber Co., to visit me and chat. Mr. Zheng had previously engaged in a business venture with Soong Zian (宋子安) [1] and Soong Ziliang (宋子良)[2], and the scale was quite big. He seems to be very clever.
At four in the afternoon my neighbour invited me to have afternoon tea, introducing his friends from the business sector. His friend is quite high in status, and has resigned his post from the Navy Department. He has now set up a factory for manufacturing bombs, bullets for canons and guns in the United States in order to supply to Egyptian and Greece governments and others, therefore the scale of his business was quite big.
At seven, Zeng Zhaoxian (曾昭憲) and his wife came and said the visa for Sun is ready, therefore he intends to leave Paris by next Wednesday or Thursday. This time he came to Paris, he was introduced by Geng Chengzhi to various factories. Perhaps he could achieve something.
Zhongxiong and Hanyuan took the afternoon train from London and reached home in the evening.
[1] Soong Zian(1906-1969) was the brother of T.V.Soong.
[2] Soong Ziliang(1899-1987) was the brother of T.V.Soong.