Saturday, 16 September

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Saturday, 16 September



During the People’s Political Council Zhang Zhizhong (張治中)[1] represented the Government to report what happened about the negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party. Lin Zuhan also represented the Chinese Communist Party to make a report. This was an open discussion. More than 30 people came to listen to them.

After the report session, the People’s Political Council decided to send Wang Yunwu (王雲五)[2],Hu Lin (胡霖)[3],Leng Ju (冷遹)[4],Tao Menghe (陶孟和)[5], and Fu Sinian (傅斯年)[6] to Yenan to study conditions there. On returning they would make suggestions to the Government. According to reports from both sides the negotiations are still unable to attain a problem solving level. This is very worrying.


In the evening, the Mexican Ambassador gave a party at his Embassy to celebrate Mexican National Day. The Head of the British military delegation, General Burrows, was just back from the French lines the day before yesterday. He said the German army is still quite powerful and we should not be too optimistic. But the Head of the American military delegation, General Deane, thought that the European war would be over next month. A dance party was scheduled, but I was back at my place by 10.30.

[1] Zhang Zhizhong (1890-1969) was originally a Nationalist Senior General who was close to Chiang Kai-shek. In 1949 he joined the Chinese Communist Party.

[2] Wang Yunwu (1888-1979) was Cantonese. He was in charge of the Commercial Press from the 1920s to the 1930s. He was the Financial Minister of the Nationalist Government in 1948.

[3] Hu Lin (1889-1949) was a famous Chinese reporter and one of the founders of Dagongbao.

[4] Leng Ju (1882-1959) was a veteran revolutionary leader.

[5] Tao Menghe (1887-1960) was a Sociologist who studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

[6] Fu Sinian (1896-1950) was a historian. He studied at both London and Berlin Universities.