Saturday, 2 February

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Saturday, 2 February


I studied Italian on my own.


James F. Byrnes delivered a speech which opposed the diplomatic policy of Truman and supported what MacArthur advocated. He said that the United States should accept the two hundred and fifty thousand troops of Kuomintang to participate into the war and blockade against areas of the Chinese Communists.

The bill of indictment to the Soviet Union was passed in the General Assembly by twenty-five votes to nine yesterday. (Twenty-four countries had abstained from voting.) The indictment had been raised for three years, and now the issue has finally come to an end. Yu Junji and Liu Kai told me that this time the American delegation was really very helpful. Even the group of Britain abstained from voting. The result was quite good.

The opinion of the American diplomatic circle thought that as long as Stalin was alive, the Soviet Union would not take military operations. But it was difficult to predict for his successors. Stalin viewed those favorable results that he obtained without resorting to war as the best achievements in his life. Even the armistice for the Korean War raised by Malik this time was because Stalin feared American side would be forced to bombard Manchuria. What the Americans thought was quite reasonable.