Saturday, 4 May

View Originals

Saturday, 4 May

Mr. Wu Zongxin came. He chatted with me freely about his views on the current situation, and his views are more or less the same as mine. Therefore, I told him all I knew as an old friend. I think that among all my old friends he is the one with the most understanding. He is totally different from Niu Yongjian (鈕永健) and Li Shizeng. It is a pity that, though he is a best friend of Chiang Kai-shek, he might not advise him. Or even if he does give advice to Chiang, Chiang might not listen to him.

In the afternoon, Shi Shangkuan came and told me of his situation. He also discussed about my living here. He seemed to be disheartened.

At 6:30 p.m., Ma Chaojun invited me, and Zhongxiong, for a banquet to his home. Chen Jianyu, Shi Shangkuan and Guansheng were also there.

In the evening, Han Jianfu (韓劍夫) (7) came and we talked with Zhongxiong about the matter concerning the sugar shipping business.

Tan Baoshen visited and told me about Mrs. Guo Taiji’s wife. He felt it was a great pity.

7] Niu Yongjian(1870-1965) was a revolutionary veteran.