Saturday, 6 November
I received a cable from the Generalissimo, saying “I (Chiang Kai-shek) have received all your telegrams, knowing that you negotiated with various countries in the Soviet Union in a speedy manner and yielded good results. I was very heartened by this. Our diplomatic status will be strengthened by the signing of the Four Powers Declaration. Your success is as everlasting and marvellous as the history of our Party and country. Hereby I cable you to congratulate. From Chiang Zhongzheng. From Chongqing.“ Colleagues in the Embassy were highly delighted upon seeing this as they all knew that the Generalissimo was really satisfied with us for handling this matter. They congratulated me again. I encouraged them to work harder to repay the grace of our Party and country, as well as for the Generalissimo. Colleagues were very happy. Ambassador Wei Daoming sent me a congratulatory telegram.
In the afternoon, I went to the American Embassy to watch movies.
In the evening, Stalin made a report in the Kremlin about the military situation and also mentioned the relationship with the Allies. His words were quite friendly and without any sign of dissatisfaction, which is different from last year. I sent an abstract to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.