Chongqing Diplomatic Hostel
Saturday, 9 January
Li Weiguo (李惟果) of the General Affairs Department refused to provide petrol for my car in spite of Minister Song’s order to let me have a car! Such is the treatment I receive from one who worked under me for over a year! Such is the moral character of the Ministry’s staff under which I am going to work. I really do not know how they will treat me in the future. I have a very strong feeling that I shall not be able to accomplish anything since I cannot expect support from them. Baoyi and Chen called. They are much nicer. The older members of the Ministry are better disciplined and certainly have better moral characters. I am really sorry for the Party.
Called on Dr H.H. Kung (孔祥熙)[1]. After hearing what I told him about my appointment, he confided in me that the Generalissimo had spoken to him twice about sending me to Soviet Russia, but as he knew it to be difficult work for me, he had not made any comment as he did not want to put his friend in the horns of such a dilemma. I thanked him for his friendly attitude. He promised me his help in the future. He has been extremely nice to me during my one and a half years in the Ministry.
To Deng Junyi (鄧君毅)’s. Suppered there. Met Xu Xianyue. Told her frankly that I could not possibly recommend her for any post at the Embassy in Kuibyshev. Suggested she approach Dr Song to be sent to Angora with her brother. Met one Miss Chan from Hong Kong. She is a very charming girl and knew my cousin Fu Jincheng (傅金城).[2]
[1] Dr H.H.Kung (1881-1967) studied at Oberlin College and Yale University. He was a top financial official for the Nationalist Government.
[2] Son of Fu Bingchang’s elder uncle Fu Yipang.