Sunday, 21 January
At three in the afternoon Duan Guanhai came with his wife. He told me in secret that Weng Wenhao had originally accepted the employment of a certain American University (US$10,000 per year). So Duan tried his very best and was able to obtain a visa for him from the American Embassy. The ticket for the ship had been bought too. But last week Weng suddenly changed his plans and returned the ticket. And last night, when Duan was at a reception in a certain embassy, the Secretary of the British Ambassador, Ba[1] told Duan that Mr. Weng had come to the British Embassy to get a visa. He wanted to visit the areas of Communist China via Hong Kong, but the Hong Kong government were not in agreement. Duan was so astonished so he came to tell me about it. I said it was difficult regarding Weng, because the American visa had been guaranteed by Duan. Duan had told the American side that Weng does not have relations with the Chinese Communist Party. The American side therefore approved and had granted Weng a visa. Also, Zhang Qun had written to Duan and touched on the matter of Weng. Duan had strongly emphasized that Weng was loyal to the Kuomintang. Suddenly that Weng would behave like this has made the credibility of Duan totally disappear. Moreover, Duan has to report to Zhang Qun about this matter. Duan said he intends to see Weng and ask him what happened, and he will try on the basis of their friendship to dissuade Weng. It is because Chiang Kai-shek gave Weng a rewarding career and Weng was in great debt to Chiang in this regard. Suddenly that he has gone against Chiang Kai-shek is bad for Weng’s morality and character.
I learnt Spanish on my own.
[1] The English name is unknown.