Sunday, 31 January
Twenty-sixth day of the twelth lunar month
Zhuoxian and Huimei came. We went to the Shengli restaurant for lunch. After lunch I went with Zhuoxian to second-hand bookshops to buy second-hand books. I visited Cai Baoyuan (蔡寶源) and his wife to say goodbye, and had dinner at Shunlung. Zi luolan (紫羅蘭)[1] sent me a telegram via Feng Ziyou (馮自由)[2], asking me to take Long Qichang (龍啟昌) and Aw Hoe (胡好)[3] to the Soviet Union. She paid the same attention to her new and old husband. The mental workings of an artist is very different from the rest of us.
[1] Zi Loulan was an actress.
[2] Feng Ziyou (1881-1958) was a politician who was born in Japan and was associated with Sun Yat-sen when he was young..
[3] Son of Aw Boon-Haw (胡文虎). Aw Boon-Haw was a wealthy Chinese businessman in Burma and Hong Kong.