Thursday, 1 July
Twenty-ninth day of the fifth lunar month, Kuiwei year
Today was Canada’s National Day. The Canada Minister, Wilgress, has hired a river boat to invite the Diplomatic Corps for a Volga river cruise, from 4.00 to 7.00 p.m. The scenery was beautiful, and reminded me of home. It is a pity that during the war we can not take pictures. A representative of Fighting France said that yesterday the Soviet newspaper published an article refuting news published by United Press International with regard to the power and the deployment of the German army. The news was quite meaningful as it was released by the British Government. This was to prove that Germany’s strength and reserves in western Europe remain strong, and that it is therefore not easy to open a second war zone quickly. And yet the Soviet Union disagreed about German’s strength and that the second war zone should be opened immediately. According to him, there remains a small group of people in America who want to hold peace talks with Germany. These people have quite strong political influence, so the British and American Governments probably want to drag on and not open the second war zone. Perhaps the Soviet side might openly demand opening a second war zone soon.
The letter that Jinpei wrote to me from Liuzhou on 8 May arrived. It had only taken about 50 days. I wrote to mother, Situ Chao, Fanny and Tianjuan.