Thursday, 12 October
I received a reply from Deputy President Kung for my 29 September telegram. The main content was as follows: “The reorganisation of Xinjiang Province was completely on the alleviation of Soviet sentiment. Chairman Wu is a mild person and he should be able to cooperate sincerely with the Soviet Union which would improve the relationship between the two countries. With regard to exchange of products I was told that it hasn’t been solved this year. Undoubtedly I have always advocated we should accommodate on trivial matters and strive for friendship. When Nelson came to China I was afraid that he might not understand what was happening there. He went back to the United States the week before last and he has made many good observations. What he reported involved the Soviet Union, and with regard to us, he is positive. In order to upgrade wartime production, we would imitate the United States in setting up a War Production Board, which would be responsible for the task. We have long been friendly towards the Soviet Union and I hope that you can handle it well. In case anything happens, you could cable me for discussion. I hereby reply. H.H. Kung.”
Attaché Hu reported that the Prime Minister of the Polish exile government and others have arrived in Moscow. Personnel from the Polish Committee of National Liberation have also arrived. I asked her to go and interview under the title of reporter and find out their attitudes.
Ying Yiquan reported that last night the British Ambassador invited Stalin for a banquet from 9.30 until 12.30. Stalin and Eden, Harriman and Kerr all went to Kerr’s small sitting room to talk until 4.00 a.m.. During the banquet when Stalin stood up and toasted Roosevelt’s health, he particularly mentioned the contribution of the United States, saying that if it were not for the United States they would have been unable to win the First World War, now if the United States did not participate, even if Britain joined forces with the Soviet Union they would be unable to defeat the enemy. It was very difficult for Stalin to say this.
I studied Russian from 11.00 to 1.30 in the afternoon.