Thursday, 25 August

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Thursday, 25 August


Ye Gongchuo is a member of the Standing Committee for reform of the Chinese language in Beijing. I remember the Kuomintang Political Bureau had passed such a resolution even as far back as 1929 and it would have been carried out but for the opposition of only one man, Dai Jitao. Dai has done a great deal of harm to the Party by his influence over Chiang on at least three important aspects: 1) opposition to any reforms, such as land reform, and character (words) reform.  In fact, his bias and ultra conservative ideas always want to “go back to the good old days of the old past”. 2) He tried to adopt a system of government even of the old Qing Dynasty which is very impractical. 3) His anti-British policy and his foolish notion of “freeing India from the British” which never needed our help at all. But he was an original member of the Chinese Communist Party!  When things went to the dogs he chose the most cowardly way out by committing suicide.