Thursday, 4 November

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Thursday, 4 November


In the morning, I returned a visit to the Turkish Ambassador and he was very concerned about when the second war zone would be opened. I could only tell him straight that I didn’t know. He told me that recently there had been a misunderstanding between Turkey and the Soviet Union, but now it was resolved. He also said that the diplomatic envoys between China and Turkey had been upgraded. The first Turkish Ambassador to China was Fued Bey.

At 4.30 in the afternoon I visited Canadian Minister Wilgress and we talked about the Conference. He told me as follows. 1) He had received the draft for the Four Powers Declaration by the end of August, as the American Government was closely in touch with Canada. The political status of Canada, is, in the words of a certain American politician, that on Monday to Wednesday it is a member of the empire of Great Britain, Thursday to Saturday it is a North American country, and Sunday is free. Wilgress asked me when I received the news. I couldn’t say my country never told me about it. I could only say I knew about it beforehand. The most difficult thing for a Chinese diplomat like me is that our government doesn’t let us know anything, but then has gigantic expectations of us. I always said to be a Chinese diplomat one should have the morality of Confucius, the knowledge of a fairy and the agility of a magician, then there will be hope of achievement. 2) The Yugoslavian Government now cooperates with their guerrillas. They usually kept up communications with Britain and Eden also introduced them to make connections with the Soviet Union at the same time. The Soviet Union is very glad that Britain is so helpful in this matter. The Soviet Union asked Britain and the United States to attack the Balkans, and this was out of the expectation of Britain and the United States. This is evidence that the Soviet Union does not have territorial ambitions towards the Balkans. 3) He thought that after the German defeat it was possible that the Soviet Union would join the war against Japan.