Thursday, 5 January
At eleven in the morning Ling Chi Han called; he wanted me to be mediator between them and Duan[1]. I explained to him I was unable to do so as neither Taiwan nor Peking will welcome my invitation. It may further embarrass Duan. He understands my position and asked me to tell Duan that he is willing to meet him outside the Embassy and suggested Chiang Lu-Kai to invite at a restaurant outside Paris. Promised to inform Duan. He told me what he had received from his elder brother from Peking. Living conditions are not so bad he said.
[1] Duan Kuanhai (Mu lan) (段觀海) spelt by Fu Bingchang as Tuan. Came from the clan of Anhui Clique warlord leader, Duan Qirui (段祺瑞). Duan Kuanhai seems to have some connection with Zhou Enlai but this is unclear in the diaries. The Duan girls were flower girls at Zhongxiong’s wedding.