Tuesday, 11 May
The Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs Molotov sent a memorandum. Its length was more than 7,000 words. It described the suffering of the Soviet citizens as hard labourers in German occupied territories. They were sold for several marks each. They suffered great pain and if they refused to work they were either killed or committed suicide. Those who had escaped described the hardship they experienced as no different to Middle Age slaveery. Germany has captured more than 2 million and turned them into slaves, so the Soviet Government has declared that not only the German officials carrying out these barbaric and immoral orders should be published, but also those who tried to use this system to sell people as slaves should also be punished severely. Those countries who praise force are barbaric, so it is unlikely that the Soviet Union will negotiate a peace settlement with Germany. Recently In Sweden, Spain, Turkey and so on, there have been rumours about peace and probably this was aired out by the Axis powers to test, or try to divide the unity of the Allies. I then cabled the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs and also replied to the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs, Molotov, expressing our sympathy towards the Soviet people. This kind of cruel action by the Germans should be punished. Just like the atrocities of Japan towards China should be punished too.