Tuesday, 14 March

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Tuesday, 14 March



In the evening I invited Robert van de Kerchove d’Hallebast (Belgian Ambassador), L. Quintanilla, the Mexican Ambassador, L. D. Wilgress (Canadian Minister) & Mrs. Wilgress, Baron von Breugel Douglas (Dutch Ambassador) & Baroness Douglas, J.J. Moloney (Australian Minister), A.Michelsen (Columbia Minister), L.Taezaz (Ethiopian Minister), Ingemar Hägglöf (Swedish Chargé d’Affaires) and his charming wife, S.L. Burdett and C. Gifford (1st. Secretary. of the British Embassy), Counsellor Van der Hoeven of Holland and others. Canadian Minister Wilgress mentioned that the Soviet Union had accepted Badoglio’s suggestion and exchanged diplomatic representatives, saying that this was not exclusively to support Communists in various countries. I think that the Soviet side felt that the United States supported the so-called liberalists in Italy like Count Sforza and others. They are anti-Soviet and I am afraid that they are no less than Mussolini. Also, Churchill has clearly stated that the surrender of the Italian King and Badoglio this time contributed greatly to the Allied forces militarily speaking, in particular the Italian navy could be used by the Allied forces. The Soviet Union is utilitarianian in nature and as Italy is so crucial to the military, and the Soviet Union has the need to use Italian warships recently, it could not abandon such an actual benefit and turn to follow a few American idealists, supporting those people which these idealists wanted to nurture but who had no real capability, embraced liberalism and were anti-Soviet. If we were Soviet leaders, we would certainly do the same. The banquet ended at 11.30 and everyone seemed very happy.


The Soviet army has recovered Kherson, so the military advancement in the South Ukraine could be quite speedy. No wonder there is news that Romania has dispatched people to Turkey to negotiate with those of the Allies with regard to retreating from the war.


I studied Russian.


Churchill announced in the British Parliament that Britain will sever diplomatic ties with Ireland, so as to prevent the enemy seeking military news. The Irish Prime Minister Éamon de Valera then asked Canada and Australia for help, and the Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King replied that Ireland’s attitude was wrong and therefore it supported the British and American stances. It is right that such a move from the Irish Prime Minister is criticised by the United States and world public opinion.