Tuesday, 2 November

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Tuesday, 2 November


The broadcasts today from the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and Chongqing all paid great attention to the Big Four Declaration, and they all deemed this as one of the most important incidents in history. Also in Chongqing my report on the signing procedure was also publicised. This time I was lucky to be successful, privately and publicly speaking I felt very encouraged.

In the afternoon, I went to see Deputy People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs   Lozovsky and said that I wanted him to personally thank Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs Molotov for his help in the Conference. He said he would convey the message. When we talked about the Big Four Declaration, he said at the moment all countries had heavy responsibilities to defeat their own enemies. From what he said, he regretted that the Soviet Union could not join the war towards Japan at the moment. I understood its situation. He asked me about the military situation in Burma with regard to the war in China, and how Japan manipulated Boses. At the end, he mentioned the war against Germany, He said good news would be coming soon.