Tuesday, 23 August

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Tuesday, 23 August


Einar Gerhardsen, the Norwegian Prime Minister, announced that he has been invited to visit Moscow this autumn, and he intends to accept it. Norway has been one of the strongest supporters of the Western alliance, so the Western Powers have not the least reason for fear of losing her. But it seems to be in fashion to pay homage to the Kremlin—and any whom are not invited would feel slighted!

Khrushchev declared at Bucharest that the USSR continues her policy of peaceful coexistence and international cooperation. Salisbury reported in the New York Times of the group dictatorship arrangement in the Kremlin since Stalin’s death, and the gradual calling off of the cold war. I believe so myself.

Miss Tan called on us along with Mrs. Liu. She is visiting Paris on her way to the United States. We invited her to have lunch with us tomorrow.