Tuesday, 26 December

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Tuesday, 26 December



From 11.00 to 1.30 I studied Russian.


Walter Lippmann published his article in the New York Herald Tribune on 21 December, saying that the policy adopted by the American Government in settling the border and political issues of Ethe uropean states after the war was impractical. The various steps which Britain and the Soviet Union took to defend against Germany, such as organising coalition, were for their own needs, and did no harm to the world security organisation. He also listed the France-Soviet Alliance and how the Soviet Union treated the Polish Incident as examples, saying that the United States should agree it because this type of coalition organisation is to stabilise partial safety, and therefore the United States need not station many troops in the United States as routine. This might be beneficial. The American government seems to have changed its attitude with regard to this issue, and is much more practical than before.


In the War and Working Class magazine published in the middle of this month it had an article by N. Malinai (Litvinov) on “The Building of the International Security Organisation”. It advocated strongly that the groups of Eastern and Western Europe did no harm to the principle of the world security organisation. It also advocated that the groups should be divided into four as Europe, America, Asia and Africa. We can see that the understanding between Britain and Soviet Union is fact.