Tuesday, 30 November

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Tuesday, 30 November


I discussed with Counsellors Liu and Chen that I wouldn’t receive anybody for forty-nine days.


I wrote to Zhongxiong, Jinpei and Fanny.


Counsellor Liu met with Secretary Lifanov. He also didn’t deny that the four leaders met and said that the Generalissimo was definitely not in Chongqing. So it was possibly true and this was our country’s fortune. Although I was in my deep grief I still felt a little bit consoled.


Secretary of State Hull replied to my cable. It was relayed by the American Embassy. The reply was as follows:


I deeply appreciate Your Excellency’s kind message conveyed to me by Ambassador Wei on the occasion of my return from Moscow.


While I have been greatly moved by the generous sentiments expressed by you in regard to my efforts, I am profoundly conscious of the fact that the splendid achievements of the Conference are attributable to the fine spirit of cooperation and determination to contribute to the success of the Conference which animated all of those who participated in it and all those who contributed to the formulation of the conclusion at which it arrived.


With my kindest personal regards, I am sincerely yours, Cordell Hull.