Wednesday, 3 January
In the morning, Hu Hung-lick (胡鴻烈)[1] came over to talk. He said he had received his doctorate degree from the Paris University. Now he intended to go to Britain and pursue law studies for two years. He has a sound foundation of legal knowledge and is very studious. I praised him quite highly.
At half past six in the afternoon, I took the bus with Kitty to Paris to attend the dinner we had been invited to by Deng Bingkun. It was at the Zhujiang Restaurant. Wu Zhuzhi(吳助之) and his girlfriend Mlle Jennine Lancery (who works as an artist for advertising, quite gentle) and Mr. Liang, a merchant from Hong Kong, were also there. The dinner did not end until half past ten.
With regard to the Soviet reply to the Four Powers’ Conference, the United States thinks that emphasis should be exclusively on the issue of Germany so it could not accept, but France thought that it is negotiable. From this we can see the psychology of Europe in fearing the Soviet Union.
[1] Hu Hung-lick (1920-) is a Barrister-at-Law in Hong Kong. Together with his wife, they founded the Hong Kong Shue Yan College in 1971. He is now living in Hong Kong.