Wednesday, 4 August

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Wednesday, 4 August

From noon until 6.00 p.m. I received all the Ambassadors and personnel from the other embassies. Because a lot of them had already been here I did not invite them again, so not many came. Because this is our own country’s state funeral, we should observe it. However, when I saw Lozovsky out after he came to pay his respects I heard a piano playing in the Embassy. I felt rather embarrassed and ordered it to stop immediately. Then I realised it was Secretary Chen Daichu’s wife. Daichu was brought up by Chairman Lin, and he definitely should not do this kind of thing. This type of so-called new woman does not really understand either new or old morals.  Just because they can speak a few words of the foreign language, they think highly of themselves. Their husbands don’t dare control them. No wonder Xu Mo (徐謨)[1] didn’t want to go to Australia to take up the post, because he was worried that his wife would not know how to behave. Unfortunately, this has happened now. If Chairman Lin knew about this he wouldn’t try to blame Shumo anymore.

[1] Xu Mo (1893-1956) had studied in United States and was a diplomat and judge.