Customs maps are from Databases of Chinese Maritime Customs of MHDB which presents the locatable maps in MHGIS, starting from 1837 to 1937, and the types include topographic maps, port plans, transportation, meteorology and hydrology. Users can get more comprehensive information with the historical sources, which collected in Databases of Chinese Maritime Customs.
1. 檢索功能:在頁面左側功能列的搜尋框輸入關鍵字,即可檢索本主題/地區的地圖、地標、道路等資訊。若要搜尋MHGIS全部資料,請使用頁面正上方的搜尋框。
2. 地圖:每個主題/地區除了基本底圖外,再根據各地區特色,加上定位的地形圖、行政區域、商號資料、交通路線等圖層。各圖層可自由疊加,設定透明度,方便進行比對。
3. 地標、道路等圖資,是從地圖直接擷取或整理相關史料所得,資料來源加註在各地標資訊視窗中。
4. 測繪數化:提供使用者在圖層上直接標註地點或繪製圈選區域,數化後的資料可以匯出geojson檔案,以便在GIS應用程式使用;或可選擇「匯出圖片」,直接擷取網站頁面影像。
1. Search function: Enter the key terms in the search box on the left side of the page to search for maps, landmarks, roads and other information of this topic/area. Search all MHGIS information, please use the search box at the top of the page.
2. Map: In addition to the basic base map, each topic/area is also covered with topographic maps, administrative areas, business information, transportation routes and other layers according to the characteristics of each area. Users can freely adjust transparency and superimpose each layer for easier comparison between different maps.
3. Landmarks and roads are directly retrieved or compiled the maps from related historical materials, and the MHDB team annotated the sources in the information window.
4. Vectorization: The service provides users to directly mark locations or draw circled areas on the map layer, the digitized sources can be exported to geojson format for using in GIS applications. Users can either choose "export PNG" to directly capture images of web pages.