地圖張數Number of maps:24
資料筆數Number of data:177
MHGIS鐵路專題,在空間上的範圍限縮為「曾為大清領土」的區域,圖資時間始於1865年大清領土出現第一條鐵路,止於1970年。另外,考慮到中國鐵路建設多有外國勢力參與的特點,滇越鐵路等與中國境內路線直接相連的外地路線也一併列入,避免同一系統的鐵路遭國界分割。鐵路圖資的參考資料來源,包括路線圖、地形圖及當代地圖。有確切路線圖可用者,依據路線圖參照當代地圖繪製;沒有確切路線圖可用者,則依據早期地形圖參照當代地圖繪製。除了向量圖資外,另外有各鐵路路線的簡介。由於鐵路站點的增減相當頻繁,目前的資料只能反映特定時期,尚不能呈現出站點增減的全貌。 The MHGIS railway project is spatially limited to the area that was "once the territory of the Qing Dynasty", and the first railway in the territory of the Qing Dynasty started in 1865 and ended in 1970. In addition, taking into account the fact that most of the railway construction in China involved the participation of foreign powers, the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and other foreign lines directly connected to the routes in China are also included to avoid the division of the same system of railways by national borders. Reference sources for rail maps include route maps, topographic maps, and contemporary maps. Where precise route maps were available, they were drawn from route maps with reference to contemporary maps; where precise route maps were not available, they were drawn from early topographic maps with reference to contemporary maps.
In addition to the vector map information, there is a brief description of each rail line. Since rail stations were added and removed frequently, the present data could only reflect certain periods and could not display the full picture of the additions and deletions of stations.
地圖張數Number of maps:113
資料筆數Number of data:79
海關圖資出自MHDB《近代中國海關資料平台》,將可定位的地圖呈現在MHGIS,時間起於1837年至1937年,類型包含地形圖、港口計畫、交通運輸、氣象水文等,使用者可搭配《海關資料平台》收錄的史料,取得更完整的相關資訊。 Customs maps are from Databases of Chinese Maritime Customs of MHDB which presents the locatable maps in MHGIS, starting from 1837 to 1937, and the types include topographic maps, port plans, transportation, meteorology and hydrology. Users can get more comprehensive information with the historical sources, which collected in Databases of Chinese Maritime Customs.
Number of maps:-
Number of data:161
During the second Sino-Japanese war period, colleges and universities in China suffered from the bombed by the Japanese military and therefore forced to relocate to other places. The number of faculty and students was initially reduced by around one-fourth, and the campuses were eventually rebuilt from the ruins in the Great Rear, and the battle fields to revive among the war. By relocating institutions of higher learning to the mainland, the Nationalist government preserved the university institutions on which the country's future depended, and protected the scarce institutions of higher education and elites. This project contains information on the relocation routes of nearly 160 higher education institutions, including the original sites of schools, the time, location, and descriptions of several relocations and reconstructions, and the restoration of the original sites of the schools.
地圖張數Number of maps:-
資料筆數Number of data:121
王韜(1828-1897)晚清文人,譚延闓(1880-1930)民初政要,顏濱(1923-?)五金行學徒。三個不同世代的人都曾居於上海,且留下了日記。將三人的活動紀錄抽樣,再透過本平臺歷史地圖、地標檢索等功能定位行程,就留下了他們的上海行跡。使用者可搭配各年代地圖或交通路線疊加圖層,看到近百年間日常活動範圍的差異。 Wang Tao (1828-1897) late Qing Chinese literary figures, Tan Yenkai (1880-1930) politicians in early period of republic of China, Yan Bin (1923-?) Apprentice in the hardware business. These people from three different generations had lived in Shanghai and left diaries. By sampling the activities of these three people and locating their itineraries through the historical map and landmark search functions of this platform, their travels in Shanghai will be reserved. Users can overlay layers with maps or transportation routes from various eras to see the differences in the scope of daily activities over the past century.
地圖張數Number of maps:23
資料筆數Number of data:33
「公路」主題涵蓋公路地圖數幅,以及依據《中國公路史》、《中華民國公路總圖》繪製的主要公路圖資,基準年為1936年。路線繪製依據為大比例尺地形圖及當代地圖。 「公路」主題涵蓋公路地圖數幅,以及依據《中國公路史》、《中華民國公路總圖》繪製的主要公路圖資,基準年為1936年。路線繪製依據為大比例尺地形圖及當代地圖。