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編排凡例 Editor's note

1. 本目錄採用unicode編碼輸入中文繁體,所缺之字,使用●標誌。

2. 目次與本文所載題目、作者名、譯者名等有異時,以本文所載為準。

3. 連載作品如本文中無記載著者、譯者名時,按初出時所載補上。

4. 目次中無作者名,而本文中有記載時,依從本文補上。目次中記載為"~女士",而本文中無記載時,補加"(女士)"。無署名及作者不詳時,統一為"(無署名)"或"(作者不詳)"。印刷不明者,以"(印刷不明)"表示。通信欄中,只記載執筆者名,題目省略,編輯部回信用"(答)"所示。

5. 外國作者人名‧書名的中文表記及外文表記,悉從原文。用縮寫表記的作者‧譯者,有的用縮寫符號如"Y.D.",而有的則沒用縮寫符號如"YD",輸入時一律准從原文。

6. 目次中沒有明記是撰述還是譯作,而據本文或作品中記載明顯為譯作時,適當地補記原作者、譯者、出處,並以〔 〕標記。唯此部分係在目錄製作過程翻閱文本一一確認,故難免有疏漏,僅供參考,並祈讀者指正,以便改進。

7. 各欄目中無內容時,用"-"表示。

8. 討論‧文苑等有複數作者,且目次中作者名及題目都無記載時,題目省略,只補記作者名,並加"( )"以明示。

9. 本目錄係初次嘗試,必有粗糙、缺漏及體例不周之處,敬請同道不吝指正。日後有關目錄之修正,逕在資料庫系統中隨時更新,敬請方家利用檢誤系統踴躍提供寶貴意見。



1. The database uses Unicode Standard to enter traditional Chinese, if some words do not record in the system, the editors would mark ● in the database.

2. If the table of contents were different from titles, names of authors and translators, the editors would follow the contents as the correct reference.

3. If a journal article does not show the names of authors and translators, the editors would use the names of the authors when the authors appear first time in the contents.

4. If the table of contents don't show the name of the author while the author‘s name appears in the contents, the editors will put the author‘s name from the contents. If the table of contents show "Miss xx," while the names only appear xx in the contents rather than adding Miss, the editors would add "(Miss) xx" to refer the names of authors. If the contents do not show authors, the editors would put "unknown author" in the database. If the contents do not print clearly, the editors would put "unclear printed" to this type of cases in the database. In the column of circulation, the database would only record the author's name of the article and leave out the title of the article. The database would use "(answer)" as response when the editorial department of Ladies' Journal respond readers' questions.

5. In regard to the Chinese and foreign names of foreign authors and book titles, the editors would follow the original scripts. If some authors or translators have abbreviations in their names with abbreviated signs, such as "Y.D." in the contents, editors would use abbreviated signs in the system. While in some cases, the authors or translators use abbreviations but do not have abbreviated signs in their names (such as "YD") editors would follow the names of authors or translators based on the original scripts.

6. If a table of contents do not point it out whether a source is a publication work or a translated work, and the work apparently show that the publication was a translated work. Editors would properly add the names of original authors, translators and references, and use〔 〕. During the process of building up the category, the database team was carefully and examined each old documents. If there are any issues in the database, please do not hesitate to let us know in order to improve the system.

7. If the column does not show any content, editors would use "—" in the system.

8. If "forum" and "Wenyuan" appear more than one author, and the table of contents do not show the names of the authors and titles, the editors would leave out the titles and keep the names of the authors, and would also add "( )" as the sign.

9. Since this is the first time, the database team attempts to construct the category, there are some minor issues or errors in the database. If users found any errors or issues, please immediately correct the editors of the database team, we will modify the incorrect part as soon as possible.



中央研究院近代史研究所、東京大學婦女雜誌研究會 版權所有
最佳瀏覽狀態Internet Explorer 6.0 以上版本、解析度1024×768
Under the support of Toyota Group and the study group of Ladies’ Journal at University of Tokyo,
all the support contributed the completion of the database of Ladies’ Journal.
Copyright @ Institute of Mondern History, Academia Sinica,
Study group of Ladies’ Journal of the University of Tokyo. All rights reserved.
The database supports Internet Explorer 6.0, and the latest version, Resolution: 1024x768dpi