《婦女雜誌》發刊頻率穩定,以年代作「卷」,以月份為「期」。所以在規劃網站架構時,即決定以年代為主要時間軸,月份為次時間軸,依年代與月份做為瀏覽依據,同時也可與實體雜誌的卷期相呼應。 進入「瀏覽」頁面後,可以看到年(卷)、月(期)的下拉式清單,請先選擇年(卷)及月(期),再點選送出鈕,即可於結果頁面中看到該年卷期目次清單,點選「起始頁碼」,即可瀏覽原書影像。
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Key terms Search
The database provides key term to search. You can enter to search, and find the ideal key terms in the result page. In the result page, please click "start page," and view the original image.
The frequency of publication for Ladies' Journal is stable. The publisher used year as the volume and month as the number; therefore, the database uses year as the main timeline, and uses month as the inferior timeline. Based on the viewing with the year and the month of the database, users could also refer the physical articles at the same time. After entering the browse page, you can see the scroll bar of the year (volume) and the month (number) in the page. Please select the year and the month, and click search. You can see the ideal content of the journal article in the result page. When you click "start page," you can see the original image.
In the contents of each journal, the database provides titles, subjects, authors, translators, original sources, and notes. When we arrange the table of contents of Ladies' Journal and hard to recognize contents, we would mark ● and explain in the note part.
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2. When users used the database of Ladies' Journal, after finishing the research, The users should openly stress the sources were from the database of Ladies' Journal at Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica.